All of our topics listed below are available as both community education presentations as well as in-service training for your group or organization. We can also work with you to create a unique presentation designed to meet the specific needs of your group.
- ACP Series: Advance Care Planning - A Conversation for Everyone
- ACP Series: How to Choose Your Healthcare Agent
- Grief: Remembering Self-Care After a Loss
- Grief: Surviving Grief During the Holidays
- Legacy Series: What is Guided Autobiography?
- Legacy Series: What is an Ethical Will/Legacy Letter?
- Planning Series: Death Planning - It's easier when you're not dead
- Planning Series: Document Planning & Organization
- Planning Series: Green Burials in Virginia
- Planning Series: Home Funerals in Virginia
- End-of-Life Doula: Who they are and how they can help the community
- Hospice 101: Myths v. Facts

Benefits of Community-Based Education

...for communities
- Promotes cultural awareness and inclusivity
- Increases awareness of social issues in the community
- Provides diverse viewpoints in a group setting
- Strengthens relationships and sense of connection to the community

...for organizations
- Promotes sense of connection to the community
- Increases tangible skill sets
- Provides mutual support and inclusivity
- Strengthens teambuilding and communication

...for corporate wellness
- Promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- Increases job satisfaction and retention
- Provides personal and professional development
- Strengthens critical thinking and interpersonal relations

Ready to talk?
Have questions about our presentations or would you like to schedule a presentation for your group? We look forward to hearing from you!